Guest Book

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Living Green & Saving Money

O.K. ........ I know,I know.......I still haven't posted a card or any of my creations. To be honest,my scrap room is a total disaster area and I just haven't felt like cleaning it up. I have to get in there soon though,because my Birthday Club Buddies are patiently awaiting their packages and I want to make some goodies to go in their gift boxes.
Along the same lines as cleaning,I am trying to live more "Green" just like hundreds and thousands of people all over.So,I have several different sites under my favorites and this one I came across the other day and it has a list of more natural items you can use to clean with.I thought I would add it to my post today and hopefully spread the word.I haven't had an opportunity to check the site out completely,so I don't want to include a link yet.I will just add the list and........ Happy Cleaning everyone.

Cleaning That Comes Naturally
Guest Author - Kathryn Weber

The reward of cleaning is that fresh, sweet smell of a home that comes after a thorough cleaning. And while that clean smell is appealing to some people, it is a turn off to others because it makes their eyes water or their skin itch or throws them into a sneezing fit. Because of the harsh chemicals in most cleaning products, the desired effect of relaxation from your clean house can quickly turn into an auto-immune nightmare.Who should clean naturally? You may want to switch from chemical cleaners if you have children whose health you are concerned about, or you have someone in your home with an illness, or if you just want to use natural products in your home instead of harsh cleaners that have known carcinogens.There are a number of recipes for cleaning agents that will help get your house clean and without the worry, smell, or concern of strong chemical cleaning compounds.

Brew up a batch of your own homemade cleaners and you will find that your home is just as clean, doesn’t have that awful chemical smell, and saves you money, too. When you make own house cleaners, you will find that it costs less. That’s because the ingredients that you buy are mixed with water and will usually last a long, long time! So just think about that the next time you reach to pick up a cleaner off the shelf that's expensive and is made up of mostly water!Instead, next time you want to clean, head to the store first and pick up some supplies to brew your own cleaners. Then, you’ll find that the best clean not only costs less, but it's a clean that comes naturally.
Supplies needed for making your own cleaners
Plain sudsy ammonia
White vinegar
Essential oil in your favorite scent: orange oil, lemon oil, or lavender
Ivory dish soap or soap flakes
Good quality spray bottles
Rubbing alcohol (large bottle)
Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda or other soda found on the laundry aisle
Distilled water (optional). You don’t have to use distilled water, but if you have hard water, you can be depositing minerals on your surfaces every time you use a cleaner.
CLEANING RECIPES I find that I only use a few types of products to clean the house. These are dish soap, all-purpose spray cleaner, window cleaner, and scouring powder. Here are recipes for these products that are indespensable for household cleaning!
Lavender Dishwashing Soap: 2 Cups soap flakes1 gallon water25 drops of lavender essential oil (you can change this to lemon or orange or other scent)Place soap flakes and water into a pan. Heat over medium heat stirring occasionally until it boils and until soap dissolves. Lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes to thoroughly combine the ingredients. Remove from heat and let liquid partially cool, add the essential oil and stir. Pour into a clean plastic squeeze bottle or re-used dish soap bottle.
All-Purpose Spray Cleaner :1 tablespoon Borax 1/2 cup liquid soap (can use the soap in the dishwashing soap recipe or Ivory or other type of dish soap)1/2 cup white vinegar 1 gallon hot distilled water 20 drops essential oil such as lavenderCombine all ingredients. Use as you would any other cleaning spray.
Glass Cleaner I: ½ cup sudsy ammonia2 cups rubbing alcohol1 gallon distilled waterMix together and pour into spray bottle.
Glass Cleaner II:2 cups sudsy ammonia½ cup vinegar1 gallon distilled waterMix together and pour into spray bottle.
Scouring Powder:1 cup baking soda¼ cup washing soda (such as Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda)Use like regular scouring powder.

1 comment:

Joan Fricker said...

Roxanne, thanks for all those tips.
You have certainly done your homework.
Thanks for sharing!
