Guest Book

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Day

Well,this will be short and sweet.It's late and I am tired,plus I have to get up early and go with my Mom to her appointment at the hospital.......more tests.She had one today and of course I went with her and waited about two hours for them to do the test. I read some and enjoyed free hot cocoa.
Accomplished very little around the house today.Just to hot !!! I am trying to wait to turn on the air conditioning as long as we can.It is suppose to get cool tonight and only into the 70's tomorrow. Very nice.
I visited one of my favorite sites and posted a new thread about a "swap". I can't wait to see if there's any interest.This will be the first swap that I have hosted.

Well, as I stated in the begining,I am tired and I have to get up early in the A.M., so I will say .....

Good night all.....sweet dreams.

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