Guest Book

Monday, May 26, 2008

Still Learning......

Here it is,over a month after I first created this blog,and I am finally posting a second entry.It's not that I don't have anything to say,it's just that I have been to busy with work and creating new flower beds that I just haven't had much time.

Lots of new plants.So exciting but so much work.I have dug Iris's' from my mom's and extended a small flower bed.There's a couple of different miniatures too.I love the miniatures,so sweet and pretty. I received cannas also.I believe they are only red.I had hoped to get yellow and orange ones also.Dug lots of bulbs.Daffodils,hyacinths, and day lilies,but they are tubers not bulbs. Phlox,daisies,ferns and monkey grass.Dug a few Yellow Bells earlier this spring and they are doing really well.We have most of the monkey grass planted,which has taken us way longer then I had originally thought.We are building a retaining wall of sorts and are at a stopping point at the moment.I am trying to do it out of bricks,cinder blocks and stones.Basically whatever I can pick up for free or close to free.We have used the few cinder blocks we have and decided we would wait till we came across some more.Our neighbors have a small stack of brick and cinder blocks and another neighbor has about a dozen cinder blocks behind a shed.I am planning to ask them about donating them to our wall,but haven't got around to it yet.

Re-potted two ferns today and got a total of four hanging pots and five smaller pots.Pretty good for $8.00.The ferns were marked down at a big retailer.I don't want to give anyone free advertisement,so I will just refer to the store as that.Also re potted a huge pot of snake plants or some folks know this plant as mother-in-laws tongue.Either way,I learnt it takes two people to deal with this plant.I did it on my own,but will get help next time.It's a tall plant that doesn't have deep roots so its a hand full to plant.It is a great indoor air cleaner,so once I rearrange the bedroom a bit,I want to bring one in.

I haven't created anything along the lines of cards or LO's lately.I so miss my scrap space and am looking forward to getting back in there.Actually I am moving it to a larger room.I plan to paint the room Cricut green of course.O.K.....I know,maybe a lil' over the top,but I really do like that color.

I have so much junk in the room now,but hopefully we will have a successful yard sale this week and clean it out.I did get some great birthday paper and embellies that I am planning to do a two page LO with and put it up for sale.I am currently unemployed and will be cleaning out and creating in an attempt to generate income.I will be posting my creations here and also at my Etsy store that I will be setting up in the next week or so.So check back and see what treasures I have that you or someone you know just can't live without.

If you have read this far,THANK YOU.I have rambled on enough for one evening,but I will be back again tomorrow.
Have a great night and a beautiful day tomorrow.

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