Guest Book

Friday, July 11, 2008

I have to admit that I love to surf and I love to share what i find on the net with others.I am also trying to live a "greener" life and conserve any way I can.With that In mind,I just came across these gas saving tips.We all need to save gas these days.If you have any more fuel saving tips or ideas,please share them with me.;)

5 Tips for Making Your Car More Fuel Efficient
Tip #1 Don't start your car until you're ready to go. This may sound like a no-brainer, but we've all been guilty of starting the car only to let it idle while we get organized, make a phone call, or wait for another passenger to get in. That's a waste of gas. So make an effort to only have your engine running when necessary.
Tip #2 Stay off the brakes. Obviously, braking is an important part of driving. But riding the brakes can waste up to 30% more gas. So try to change lanes instead of slowing down for a car braking in front of you and avoid over-accelerating so you don't have to make any unnecessary sudden slow downs.
Tip #3 Turn off your car. Whenever you have to stop for more than five minutes, turn off your engine so you don't burn more gas than you have to. This applies to heavy traffic, slow drive-through lanes and waiting while someone runs into a store.
Tip #4 Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Tires are something we take for granted until we find ourselves with a flat. Keep them top of mind and make sure they're inflated to the proper levels every month. This simple act can greatly increase your fuel efficiency and could save you several hundred dollars a year.
Tip #5 Keep your car in shape. Just as your body runs its best when you eat right, exercise and get enough sleep, your car needs to be properly maintained for peak performance. So keep your engine tuned, check and replace the air filter regularly, and use the motor oil grade recommended by your car's manufacturer.
Follow these simple tips and you'll get more bang for your buck at the pump.

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