Guest Book

Friday, July 11, 2008

I have to admit that I love to surf and I love to share what i find on the net with others.I am also trying to live a "greener" life and conserve any way I can.With that In mind,I just came across these gas saving tips.We all need to save gas these days.If you have any more fuel saving tips or ideas,please share them with me.;)

5 Tips for Making Your Car More Fuel Efficient
Tip #1 Don't start your car until you're ready to go. This may sound like a no-brainer, but we've all been guilty of starting the car only to let it idle while we get organized, make a phone call, or wait for another passenger to get in. That's a waste of gas. So make an effort to only have your engine running when necessary.
Tip #2 Stay off the brakes. Obviously, braking is an important part of driving. But riding the brakes can waste up to 30% more gas. So try to change lanes instead of slowing down for a car braking in front of you and avoid over-accelerating so you don't have to make any unnecessary sudden slow downs.
Tip #3 Turn off your car. Whenever you have to stop for more than five minutes, turn off your engine so you don't burn more gas than you have to. This applies to heavy traffic, slow drive-through lanes and waiting while someone runs into a store.
Tip #4 Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Tires are something we take for granted until we find ourselves with a flat. Keep them top of mind and make sure they're inflated to the proper levels every month. This simple act can greatly increase your fuel efficiency and could save you several hundred dollars a year.
Tip #5 Keep your car in shape. Just as your body runs its best when you eat right, exercise and get enough sleep, your car needs to be properly maintained for peak performance. So keep your engine tuned, check and replace the air filter regularly, and use the motor oil grade recommended by your car's manufacturer.
Follow these simple tips and you'll get more bang for your buck at the pump.

Quick Tip

I just came across this on another site and wanted to share.I do this already and I have a compost "barrel" too.I actually buried a few overripe tomatoes close to my newly planted Yellow Bells this spring and have two very nice tomato plants that have small fruit on them.You have to love free plants,especially veggies.This is a simple thing that everyone can do.You might want to chop up peelings and such,to hasten the cycle,but it helps keep what should go back to the earth out of the landfills.Also cuts down on the production of methane gas in our overfilled trash heaps.You actually can save a little money by doing this also,because it provides nutrients back to the soil.

So here is the paragraph that sparked this entry........."When peeling or cutting raw vegetables or fruits, please give them back to mother earth. Feed them to your plants and trees or dig a hole and let it disintegrate back to nature. Let this be food to them. It makes plants look gorgeous and you will feel the same. Onion peels, squeezed lemons, ends of any sort, banana peelings, etc." - Ann Hankins

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well,here it is July 2nd and I am officially going to take my blog a little more serious.I know,I know !!!!! Me.....taking something seriously.It does sound funny doesn't it.LOL !!!
I really need to be a bit more attentive and try and post more often.It seems that some folks are making money with their blogs and I am all for making money.Especially seeing that I am unemployed at the moment,which I have enjoyed to some extent.If I could make enough to support myself and not worry about bills,then I probably wouldn't go back to work for awhile,unless a really great offer comes my way.
At any rate,I'm not just setting around waiting to win the lottery.One would have to play to win,and I don't play,so my chances of winning are about one in a zillion.We,my BF and I,carried the aluminum cans to recycle today and walked away with $40.00 that I turned around and put in the gas tank.So,I will be picking up cans where and whenever I get the chance.Pretty much free money.I told BF that next time we needed to take a pair of scissors so we could cut the knots where the bags are tied and reuse the bags.Hey...less money in the trash that way.We picked up cans last fall and discussed then that we needed a "poker" stick to use.I don't want to spend $6.00 on a pole,so I have been hoping to see one in someones trash,but so far no luck.i might have to bight the bullet on that.We basically just need two wooden poles that a nail can be driven into.I need to look around more and come up with something.
I have to admit,I'm pretty frugal and I am a craigslist stalker. The stalking part has just happened since I've been unemployed.I haven't found much that I am willing to drive very far for but I keep looking. LOL !! We have picked up free bricks,cinder blocks,old windows and a barbell with a few weights.The posting about the weights was interesting.I replied and the guy replied back,saying "Come on over and bring a flashlight cause we aren't home." Well,of course we didn't go.I am not about to go onto someones property at night.He had a nice two person swing he was getting rid of to,but we missed that.We picked the weights up the next morning and apparently the guy was moving.Anyway,on our way home,I decided to go by a thrift store and see what people had dumped. Don't get me wrong,I wouldn't take their donations.People dump stuff all along the road behind this place and the guy that runs it said that if it isn't inside the gate and it isn't on their property,then he wasn't going to keep cleaning up all the trash that everybody leaves.Well,we hadn't been by in awhile and they are closed on Sundays,so I thought there might be something I could salvage and add to the yard sale stash.We turned the corner and saw a table laying on it's side,across the street.Yippee !! Mind you,this isn't a little side table or an end table.It's a dining room table. Yippee !! I am a furniture fanatic,so I get extra excited.
Well,I parked and we hopped out.We could only see the bottom and the legs.As we walk around to see the top,I realised why it had been dumped and no one wanted to bother with it.Stuck to the top was white cotton fuzzy stuff.We still aren't sure what it was and at this point it doesn't matter.I looked at BF and said "What do you think?" He shook his head and said "Not sure."
My reply..."It's real wood.Can't we clean it up?" Of course we can clean it up.He says,"I guess,it won't hurt to try." So,I back the truck up and here we go.Now we have a set of weights and a table on our little truck.We decide to head to the house and take a better look at our find.We unload it and since we don't have a shop,we bring it into the backyard.My neighbors love me !
Well,it looks terrible,but I am not about to give up.BF says it looks like some sort of wax and proceeds to find a scraper.We decided to leave it in the sun to soften it up and that worked pretty good.Well,without giving you a blow by blow,the top has been scrapped and sanded and looks really good.We went to wally world this morning to pick up some stain,but I chose a color that is way to dark,so off to wally world again.My mom dropped by yesterday afternoon to see how things were going and she was surprised how good it looks.So for the cost of sandpaper and stain,and maybe a clear coat,we will see a nice little profit.Yippee!!
The same place we found the table at has a 99 cent furniture sale on Thursdays,so guess where we will be going in the morning.For a few bucks,we hopefully can turn some of the cast offs into real cash.We wish we had a shop to work in,but right now,it has to be the back neighbors love me.LOL!!!!As soon as he finishes it,I'll post pics.I didn't think about taking "before" shots,but I did take a few right after he finished sanding,so I'll include those as well.
Laundry calls and I must answer.See ya later.